Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Mens Match v Rolls Royce E

A cold 23rd October ... a win over Rolls Royce E .
  Points 370/361 Rubbers 5/4 Games 10/11

The opposition and their spectators  cuddled for warmth on the overhead lights.!!! One young lady came well prepared with a flask of tomato soup and blanket.

Vic & Paul playing 1/5/9 "softened" up the opposition in Rubber 1 but lost all   three rubbers with 72/126 points .
Scott and Nick won two Rubbers with a 3 game win in Rubber 7,which opened the way for Mark and Dean to win the match in Rubber 8 and take the pressure of Vic & Paul in Rubber 9.


First win of the saeson although
 Mark & Dean enjoyed 8 games but won all 3 rubbers  165/121 points. They won Rubber 8 in 3 games, which clinched the result in a deciding game of 21/9. First win of the season although the out come of the previous match is not yet clear with only 2 pairs of the opposition playing.