As a result of withdrawals and handicap problems, despite being a good evening on the court it has been decided to run again later next year.
The Draw for the 2016 Tournament is as below.
Mel & Dean
Liz & John
Rachel & Simon
Issac & Vic
Scott & Nick
Two Match pairings !!!!!!
There will be 15 games to 21 with handicapping determined before each game so we will need an 1845 ish "Kick Off "
Tea & Coffee so bring a biscuit!!!
The Results of the 2015 Tournament on 14thDecember are as follows:-
Games Points Ratio
Scott &Vic (3) 97/96 1.01Rachel & Paul (3) 101/87 1.16
Mark & Katy (2) 87/90 0.97
Edward & Dean (5) 105/96 1.09
Mel & Issac (1) 87/95 0.92
Liz & John (1) 90/10 0.87
Congratulations to Ed & Dean winners this year
Congratualtions to Scott & Liz winners this year 2014 and Zac & Edward runners-up.
The Results of the 2014 Tournament on 15thDecember are as follows:- Games Points Ratio
Scott & Liz (4) 104/89 1.16
Rachel & Vic (2) 88/98 0.89
Mark & Jackie (2) 87/93 0.93
Mel & Dean (2) 91/84 1.08
Nic & Simon (2) 98/102 0.96
Zac & Edward (3) 88/90 0.98
The Draw for the 2014 Tournament on 15th December has been done...(as amended due to absences.)
Scott & Liz, Zac &Edward, Mel & Dean, Mark & Jackie, Rachel & Vic, Nick K & Simon.
The Results of the 2013 Tournament on 9th December are as follows:-
Points Ratio
Jackie & Edward (4) 118/85 1.38
Rachel & Mark (4) 114/107 1.06
Ian & Simon (3) 111/105 1.05
Paul & Jed (2) 101/121 0.83
Mel & Dean (3) 106/114 0.93
Liz & Vic (3) 93/117 0.79
Zac & Scott (2) 109/107 1.01
Vic presents the Trophies to Jackie & Edward.

The runners up smile at the Markeaton.
Quarndon Badminton Club Christmas Doubles Handicap Tournament 2012 .
The winners:- Scott & Simon presented with their TROPHIES by VIC.
The draw has been made and the pairings are:-
1. Jackie & Vic 2. Zac & Jim 3. Liz & Deane 4. Lucy & Mark 5. Mel & Paul 6. Jed & Edward
7. Simon & Scott
The results below:- For ..... Against Ratio
1. Jackie & Vic Won 3 ............... Points 111 .... 114
2. Zac & Jim Won 4 .....................Points 121 .... 99 1.22
3. Liz & Deane Won 3 .................Points 118 .... 106
4. Lucy & Mark Won 4 ...............Points 120 .... 116 1.03
5. Mel & Paul Won 0 ..................Points 90 .... 126
6. Jed & Edward Won 3 ...............Points 103 .... 103
7. Simon & Scott Won 4 ...............Points 114 .... 104 1.09
So the decision could rest on POINTS with Zac & Jim winners? However as Simon & Scott beat both Zac & Jim and Lucy & Mark. They are the winners!!! Presentation next Monday 17th December.
No photographs on the night but see the Video if I've got it upon the home page. Thanks all for their patience and co-operation. Regarsd PJH