Fixtures 2016/7
Minutes of the AGM of the Quarndon Badminton
Club held on 3rd October 2016
@ 8.00 p.m. with Chris Redsell in the Chair.
Present:- Mel Redsell, Rachel Redsell, Liz Taylor, Vic Hoad,
, Paul Houghton, , John McIntyre, Scott Joy, Dean Parkes
1.Apologies:- , Rachel Joy, Mark Redsell, Issac Radford
2. Minutes :- Accepted with no matters arising.
3. Chairman:-Noted that the 2014/15 Season had completed successfully for both Men’s & Mixed
teams. He noted the good performances of the Mixed Team (4th ex 6) and the Men’s Team (5th ex 7). He recorded thanks to everyone for their contributions and efforts and specifically Vic Fixture Secretary /Liz Treasurer / and Paul for the organisation of the December 2015 tournament. He noted Vic’s advice that Men’s & Mixed Teams had been entered for the 2016/7 playing both Home & Away as a result of fewer teams in the lower divisions. The season and fixtures had been arranged and a hard copy distributed. Amendments of the League Rules had no significant impact on Quarndon.
2. Minutes :- Accepted with no matters arising.
3. Chairman:-Noted that the 2014/15 Season had completed successfully for both Men’s & Mixed
teams. He noted the good performances of the Mixed Team (4th ex 6) and the Men’s Team (5th ex 7). He recorded thanks to everyone for their contributions and efforts and specifically Vic Fixture Secretary /Liz Treasurer / and Paul for the organisation of the December 2015 tournament. He noted Vic’s advice that Men’s & Mixed Teams had been entered for the 2016/7 playing both Home & Away as a result of fewer teams in the lower divisions. The season and fixtures had been arranged and a hard copy distributed. Amendments of the League Rules had no significant impact on Quarndon.
4.Treasurer:- Liz
Taylor presented and explained detailed accounts for the 2015/16 Season showing
a year end balance of £20.65 and a cash float of £11.70. These were accepted. After some discussion which noted :-
· Derbyshire Badminton Association/Badminton
England Fees requirement.· Potential Membership and other expenses
for the coming year. It was proposed that
the subscription for the coming year should be £20.00 Seniors and £10.00 Juniors
(under 18 years). Carried. The Chair emphasised the need for early payment as the
above mentioned expenses were due.
5. Election of Officers:-
The retiring Officers present agreed to stand for the coming year 2016/17 and in the absence of other nominations were duly elected.
Chair: - Chris Redsell, Secretary:-Paul Houghton, Treasurer:- Liz Taylor, Fixture Secretary:- Vic Hoad.
The retiring Officers present agreed to stand for the coming year 2016/17 and in the absence of other nominations were duly elected.
Chair: - Chris Redsell, Secretary:-Paul Houghton, Treasurer:- Liz Taylor, Fixture Secretary:- Vic Hoad.
6. A.O.B.·
Chris Presented the 2015/16 Player of the Year awards to:- Liz Taylor Lady Player of the year & accepted on behalf of Mark Redsell the Gentleman Player of the year award . Rachel Scott’s work in maintaining the records was noted with appreciation.· It was agreed that the December Handicap Tournament would be held on Monday December 14th Paul H. to arrange.
Chris Presented the 2015/16 Player of the Year awards to:- Liz Taylor Lady Player of the year & accepted on behalf of Mark Redsell the Gentleman Player of the year award . Rachel Scott’s work in maintaining the records was noted with appreciation.· It was agreed that the December Handicap Tournament would be held on Monday December 14th Paul H. to arrange.
It was agreed Liz would look at a possible date in
November for a Nico's Dinner and would consult by e-mail.
No further business the meeting closed at
8.25 p.m.
Paul Houghton Secretary