A damp and dark night. Abbey Dunkirk had dificulty in locating QBC on the Common.
Vic & Paul guided a Lady (Mrs J Ferguson) in, who was lost and at start time she was the only Abbey Dunkirk player on the scene. All our team of Vic/Liz, Paul/Jackie & Scot/Mel were ready to go. So Vic & Paul manned the dark gates with a badminton racquet ... hurrah!! Arrivals sufficient to get Vic & Liz onto the court to win in 2. With more arrivals Paul & Jackie managed another win in 2. Looking good particularly as Mrs F's partner still hadn't arrived we might be claiming 3 games and would have won!!!
As we considered playing out of sequnce he did and took Scott & Mel out in 2 games and later took Vic & Liz /Paul & Jackie equally in 2. It must be said Scott & Mel's performance against them was considerably the best at 26-42 points.
Subsequently Scott & Mel took 2 games to 3 and winning 1 . Vic & Liz also took a game to 3 but lost it leaving the overall result at 3-6 (352-400 points) with eachpair having won 1.
As usual the home refreshments were good, with Vic's sausage rolls hitting the "spot".
Team photo's may follow.