Thursday, 2 February 2012

Mixed Match @ Alfreton 1st February 2012

Vic Hoad writes:- "Hi Paul, 30Degrees here, that's F of course.  Anothert valiant defeat last night. Dreadful hall at Selston - 4 courts so close together that the bases of the net posts almost touched and on the end courts the bases touched the walls. The nets had tape wider than the space available between the posts. Alfreton were happy to play with the centre of the net being about 6 inches below the top of the posts. However, my time as an aprentice in the Paul Houghton school of net erection sorted it. Tape stretched over the post and about 6 inches down side before being strongly lashed up. Strip lights also deardful. However, despite the moans a great night. Many games to 17, and some to 18 & 19. Mark & Liz won 1 21:18 21:18. On our (Mel & Vic'c) last game we took it to 3, winning 1st 21:19 but then being totally b.....d and losing next 2 quite easily. There at 7, started about 7.15 and home for 9. Regards Vic"