First Match 2011/12 Men @ Etwall Dragons
We all eventually found the Sports Centre some more easily than others!!! Two Courts available so Adam & Mark and Vic & Paul led the way. A good hall nice floor,strip lights, and an audience of Vince's brother's family ... although some of us didn't realise it until they had gone at the end of the match! Mark and Adam went down 21-14/21-10 in their first game and finished 3 down at the end of the evening 126-75.
Vic and Paul fared no better losing their first game 21-8/21-19 and finishing 3 down at the end of the evening also on 126/75

ndy and Vince were 21-9/21-13 in their first game (ANDY's first match for us) and finally 3 down 126-61. Unfortunately I missed Vince and our spectators with the camera will try better next time! Generally despite the 9-0 defeat 378-211 the evening was good! ... an early finish before 9.00 p.m.