Vic Hoad writes:-Played at Long Eaton, 7.30pm
Mel & Mark 

Jackie & Adam Photograph to follow....!
Vic & Rachel l

Orange Squash, Choc chip cookies, cherry bakewells and mini choc rolls – that was probably the highlight of the evening and I think Quarndon can be proud of clearly winning this event.
As to the badminton –
The sports hall was cooler than expected which was to our advantage but the newly painted light green walls and new overhead lights were not.
Mel and Mark opened the batting while Jackie & Adam went on court 2. Unfortunately after those 2 games we were down to one court until 9.30.
I would like to report a QBC victory but although many games were close, that was not to be and the result was Brookside 8 Quarndon the rest.
Honour was saved by the Redsell contingent winning one game and but for Mel having an attack of cramp they would surely have one a 2nd.
Proof of the games being close was the sad fact that it was almost 10.30 when chauffeur Jackie kindly drove us home and too late to lick our wounds at the Markeaton.