Friday 26 November 2010

Mens Match @ Ripley Leisure Centre 25th November 2010

Alas another defeat BUT an entertaining match which all enjoyed. With an unchanged team from the home Match against Etwall Dragons Monday last it started well  with Adam and Mark winning the first game in 3 (21/16;12/21;21/15). They then lost in 3 to the young lads, who Vic & Paul had softened up and lost the final game to the Ripley 3rd (Strongest pair)  in  2.  

Vic and Paul as 2nd pair  took on their youngsters losing 22/20;25/23.
Then following up with 21/11;24/22 & 21/14;21/19 defeats.

Sandy and Vince in their first competitive away match made double figures in all but two of their games but as with Vic & Paul losing all their games. The final match result was an 8- 1 defeat (413/294 aces)