Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Mixed Match away @ Abbey Dunkirk 7th December.

A defeat by 7-2  with both Liz & Mark and Jackie & Adam  taking a game each, while Mel & Vic although losing 3 took two of their games to 3.

Result :- 7/2 Points 428/363

Tournament 2011

Quarndon Badminton Club Christmas Doubles Handicap Tournament (formerly Quarndon Badminton Club  "Sexless" Doubles Handicap Tournament )
A cool evening but
Chris & Nicola    5-0      105 / 74   The winners.
Adam & Jackie    3-2       94 / 89 
Vic & Mark         3-2       91 / 90 
John & Liz           2-3      92 / 98 
Sandy & Mel       2-3       93 / 100
Martyn & Paul     0-5      81 / 105 The Wooden Spooners.
After the games and below the Markeaton Presentation

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Home Match v Belper Mens C 5th December 2011

Excellent play from Adam and  Mark  to take 2 games and the one they lost to 3 games.

Lesser support from Vic & Paul /Andy & Vince gave a final result of 2/7 and the postage saved again!!!

The spectators found it a bit cold and clung together.

To the supporters braving the cold  "THANKS"!